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M40 Field Grey Wool Tunic

Initially issued in 1938, it was still service throughout the war. It differed from the M36 by substituting the grey for the bottle green collar on pr envious the previous version.. It featured split cuffs, pleated pockets and 5 buttons. Later changes in design were made to save on material. 


M43 Field Grey Wool Trousers


German DAK LowBoots

 Afrika Korps


Dot 39 Splinter Camouflage Top

There are 2 distinct patterns Splittermuster (splinter pattern) and  Sumpftarnmuster (swamp pattern) a more soft edged variant. The Platanenmuster (plane tree pattern) as worn by the Waffen SS.


Ankle Boots (Schnürschuhe)

From 1937 ankle height boots were issued for basic training. In 1940 these were authorised to be worn with field uniform, along with canvas gaters. In 1941, when leather was becoming scarce  they were issued for combat rather than the calf length Jack Boots.By 1943 they were universally worn by troops.


M35 Steel Helmet

Issued at the beginning of WW2 and based mainly on the WW1 helmet, it was later changed for the more economical M42 model.

M43 Field Cap

These types of caps had been in use before the war by German and Austrian troops. They have turn down ear flaps secured by 2 buttons at the front 1943 saw the issue of a field grey wool version with a mid length visor.


Grey Wool Socks

German Heer Belt Buckle


M40 Tropical Tunic

The M40 tunic of the Afrika Korps were later authorised for summer field use in southern Europe. It has the same cut as the standard uniform, but with open collars and lapels and is made of medium wight olive-drab cotton twill, which in service faded to khaki.


German DAK Trousers - cotton

The original trousers were jodhpur type in design to be worn with knee boots and puttees, but were unpopular and most were cut off to make shorts. In 1941 conventional olive twill trousers were issued.

Bread Bag and Water Bottle


Gas Canister


K98 Rifle

The Karabiner 98k, often abbreviated to K98k also referred to as a K98, is a bolt-action rifle using 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge. It was used from 1935 as the standard service rifle by the German Wehrmacht.

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